Tuesday 13 May 2014

Time Management

Overall I feel my time management in this unit has been my best so far for any of my projects (just in time !) Whilst I kept checking my learning agreement I was not so strict on the exact step by steps, I let me project flow. But, when I came to assuring things were completed by certain points, they were, with time to spare. My final book was bound now 2 weeks ago, post production began for that after Easter, with the touching up of some imagery and new imagery production was very little by this point. It allowed me time to focus on some printing that I wanted to indulge in and study some more narrative in the mean time.

I do wish however, that I had done even more drawing with the time I had. I would have definitely liked to explore some scenes further/ some designs further in the narrative. But, to ensure the post production and finishing was done in plenty of time, I had to progress onward as quick as I could this unit (whilst maintaining quality of coarse.)

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