Tuesday 13 May 2014

Evolution of my Idea - En Hommage to McCarthy

Naturally the project evolved during the course of the unit. But, I feel this time I have stuck nicely to the learning agreement. One of the key changing points for me was in how I was adapting Cormac McCarthy's novel. Initially I was Illustrating it, obviously not all of it as it is so large, but a direct, but wordless, conversion of a segment(s) was intended.

As I kept planning, story-boarding, etc, multiple ideas came and went on what to illustrate and how to end it. Now I would consider my work more of en hommage to McCarthy's work. I have taken the essence of his narrative.

The title of my narrative is a little indication of its roots; the words "The Child is my Warrant" is from a passage of the book

"All I know is the child is my warrant and if he is not the word of God, then God never spoke"

This line just sums up beautifully what I have been trying to portray in the narrative - The idea of the child being the protege, the apprentice which the father is leading endlessly on across the post-apaclyptic world.

This then ties in with how I have ended the book. I have ended with (as in the book) the death of the father; however, the boy is alone after this point and the father is killed (or so we assume) not dieing of ill health as in the book.

The notion being that; after we have witnessed the bond of the father and son, huddled round the fire, sleeping rouch, wandering the land, he has prepared his protege for his eneveatable departure and continuation of the the journey.

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