Sunday 11 May 2014

Further Thoughts on practice

My practice centers around a discussion between drawing and printmaking; gestural and technical drawing being translated and informed visa-verse from hand drawn to traditional print. I have experimented in a variety of printing processes, having a fondness for woodcut, but primarily plate lithography has taken center stage for me.
Lithography seemed to come naturally, but adding a new dimension and direction. The lithography carries a beautiful luminosity, range of tone and atmospheric texture that I just love. Due to this I find it a perfect medium to carry my figurative studies.
Furthermore it is not just the aesthetic that appeals to me, the laborious nature of Lithography (and printmaking in general) is therapeutic and evokes my craftsman like nature.
Website :

Additionally, Drawing is an in all aspects of my artistic working. It is a means to all ends. During the last 6 months of pushing my drawing, story-boarding and narrative have become even more practiced and valuable to me. Printing and drawing feed each other; through composition, lights and dark, drama, atmosphere, etc. Each discipline has helped the other progress, and will continue to do so.

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