Sunday 11 May 2014

Portfolio Decisions.

I have been putting together my physical portfolio lately for hand in. This is comprising primarily of my newer narrative work. Why is that? The narrative illustration/ story-boarding is the type of work I want to push for my primary commercial work. Whilst I love the printmaking side of my practice, and it too can be a means of narrative creation (depending on what medium suits). I feel the most important wokr therefore for my portfolio is my narrative work, if i'm meeting clients, agencies, companies, etc I am aiming for it be primarily my narrative work. My website shows all this work and more, more prints are included here to show a further range of what i can do.

Additionally, the prints I would perhaps like to show in portfolio that arent in it, are far to large to be within the A3 portfolio display box. I would need an A1 box if not bigger, and things would just start to get silly.

There are some wood block prints being put into my portfolio. 1) because they are A3 of can be cut to A3 and still show the image appropriately

2) them being small enough for the portfolio is what has enabled me to use them. Part of printmaking aesthetic is seeing the impressions in the flesh. So I would rather not print out copies of prints to be able to iclude them in an a3 portfolio. This to me is just compromising the nature of the print. I would rather not include the print in the portfolio if it could not be the original impression in the flesh.

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