Wednesday 30 April 2014

Portfolio Appointment

Discussion with practicing illustrator to exaluate portfolio progress:

  • Generally my website was noted to need more content - this I was aware of and will hasten to rectify, whilst being carefull not to go the other way and overload the iagery on the site.
  • What am I? she felt I was a little unclear as to what I am/what I am branding myself as.
  • In a discussion about the above, I noted I would like to include storyboarding as a commercial area of my practice I would like to pursue alongside my narrative work. 
  • (above) Storyboarding examples therefore are needed to be added to my website - under the title "storyboarding"or "Visualisation" perhaps. It was suggested that roughs could be included to show process. 

it is now !

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Revisiting Final page/image

Final layout chosen (above)

The series of three cinematic views were too similar and I just felt that across the double spread needed more.

So I have edited one of my earlier drawings to suit the ending. This i believe is coincidentally much better as the image of the pair walking across a field was draw at the same time as the earlier image (yellow colour pallet). I have edited the farther out of the drawing and just left the son. SO, now the earlier spread in the narrative shows the father and son walking across a field that is similar BUT NOT THE SAME as the final image which shows just one person.
Linking the narrative symbolically/visually back - and emphasizing the idea of loneliness without the father at the same time...

Thursday 17 April 2014

Narrative update -

I have been working on Cover Designs lately... this design is what I am leaning towards
The text is hand rendered, it just didnt seem right using computer rendered text after working gestural hand dawn inside the book.

My blurb originally said a "bleak tale of a ravaged world". But i lengthened it to "A bleak tale of a father and Son's Journey through a ravaged world". This was just to give a little more background, in case the notion of father and son wasn't properly conveyed in the drawings.

In general I didnt want to give too much information in the blurb or it kind of defeats the point of using wordless narrative. Hopefully the idea of post apacalyptic world/ a ravaged planet (of sorts) comes across in the mundane scenes I have drawn.

Monday 7 April 2014

Revisiting Panels - Indesign - New Drawing

Again revisiting my effective panels and applying them to in-design, seeing which images need work or replaced. The boat panel is a new Idea I had, previous Idea were stale and just continued the snap shots of the city fading away. But, next from the dried up river I thought it would be a great idea to have a boat on the dry bed. One of the characters climbs the boat, foraging perhaps... as we turn the page the journey continues on into a more rural setting, the city has been left behind.

The boat like this is much more dramatic and cinematic in quality, adding a more dynamic layout to the page as the third panel shape across the spread - I am very happy with this spread.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Drama - KID IS ALONE !

How to wind up this story effectively has been resigned time and time again throughout my planning of this narrative.

Now I have settled on the dad being taken/presumed killed, I wanted to have an ending to suit.
Throughout the story the farther and son have been in panels together, journeying together in any panel including figures - I have drawn this sequence almost like a montage - to stress the new situation of loneliness and the sons continued journey alone.

Weather they will sit like this or even all be included is yet to be decided, but I feel there is definetely somethign here for me to work with.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Revising Pages - Those Trees just don't suit!

Previous treeline used

New Page arrangement
Arranging the images in the indesign file I initially felt quite happy with the feel across the spread. However, upon reflection the balance of the spread was thrown off as the left image finished with a treeline right at the top and the right image finishes too low and the treeline feels too sparse.
This sparse nature of the treeline doesnt quite feel right to me as it is meant to be the same line as the dense left image.

So I have redrawn a denser, taller tree lined image (image straight above) and I feel it balances the page much more effectively.

I've done a lot of Drawing in the past few days

Filling Earlier Pages

recently I have been experimenting with various image arrangements in indesign to get a feel of how my narrative has developed and what needs to be done.
These images are to be added to some of my earlier imagery - I have worked to the same colour pallet and same marks to ensure they will sit effectively together on the page.
(sitting next to the images of the landscapes and the man with the binoculars in this colour pallet)

I have done a couple of tent/camping scenes in this manor so I can then choose which one best suits. At the minute I feel the bottom of the two is the more effective and better composed. 
