Monday 24 February 2014

Critique feedback - 24th

Feedback based around images from previous post (didn't touch on Narrative of Old Lady)

Marcus suggested leaving more mystery to the man and his child, asking why we needed to see their faces at all. Earlier in the blog I posted drawings of the pair walking a field - these were noted as carrying that mysteriousness that some of the other panels lacked.

Joel noted that the textures in the fathers beard and hat/hair are beginning to resemble that of the landscapes. This could be something to peruse further; the father has been on the road so long he resembles the baron, dry landscape he wonders... the child could show more signs of this as the narrative progresses ?

The gestural marks and overall aesthetic were agreed upon as more effective than the previous, more polished, drawings that don't carry the atmosphere of the narrative as effectively. It was also noted, as is my intention for the next step in image experimentation, that mixing medium could benefit the images- - or trying to create the same aesthetic with different media.

Through this unit I have been working in ways that are not my usual means of image production (having worked extensively in print in the last year) Working in pencil colour has allowed this looser influence in my work - I have done some experimentation in watercolour which I feel now needs to be combined with some of the pencil colour. Aiming to maintain the textural marks of the waxy colour pencils with the softer watercolour.

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