Thursday 27 March 2014

Monday 24 March 2014

Tutorial - sort of..

After a quick project discussion with Paul:

General aesthetic of imagery was received well

Focus of discussion was centered around page/panel design/layout - The story might suit more large scale scenes being implemented amongst the panels, or full or double page spreads - bringing in the sense of epic-ness that the empty landscapes hold.

For example in the building collapse, that would really get a sense of scale by being a double or full page rather than in the same panel format as the other images.

I must now Reconsider panel/page layouts to allow for contrasting/ interesting scales in image formatting.

A change of scenery

With so much drawing of late consisting of baron countryside, I thought it might be time to start working on the panels which open my tale, leaving an equally desolate cityscape behind them.
Whilst I am working toward gestural markmaking I am trying to establish a difference in marks used and texture in these panels to the panels of natural landscapes, wildland scenes.

REcent drawings

Working on conveying texture/gesture of earlier storyboards further into the more finished looking panels

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Collaboration progress

Apologies for the poor photo, it will be rectified at some point.
New layer on top - it was meant to be the last but we are not overly happy with the contrasts in the image - a new plate will be putting a last layer (very dark) into the image to pick out contrasting areas.